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Benefits of Hiring a Bookkeeping Service

Accounting Careers

Bookkeeping services are available to help you track your invoices so you can pay them on-time. Bookkeepers can handle details such as early payment discounts. Bookkeepers can help you keep track of your payments. This can be time-consuming if you don't have the resources or time. Here are some advantages of hiring a Bookkeeper. Continue reading to learn more.

Streamline Bookkeeping

Streamline Bookkeeping, a business service, combines advanced automation with proven virtual assistance services. They will handle your transactions reconciliation, invoice processing and payroll so you can focus on building your business. Streamline offers monthly financial reports that can be used to calculate taxes and are easy for anyone to understand. Streamline offers small business flexible pricing plans so you can choose how much work to delegate.

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Time management is a key aspect of bookkeeping that should be automated. While updating financial data is necessary in all businesses, executives will likely spend more time focusing on day-to-day concerns like managing staff and acquiring new business. Although outsourcing the task will save you time, the financial insights that result will improve your productivity. A professional will ensure that everything runs smoothly and needs minimal maintenance. You can make a set time to review your accounts every other day.

Merritt Bookkeeping

Merritt Bookkeeping can help you to simplify your bookkeeping processes and save money. You can either get bookkeeping services at a flat rate or catch up bookkeeping services at a discounted rate. Merritt Bookkeeping has the right solution for you, no matter if you need to manage financial reports or keep up with tax obligations.

For the cheapest bookkeeping services, Merritt offers a flat-rate of $190 per month, regardless of business size, monthly expenses, or the number of employees. The service is great for solopreneurs, startups and small businesses because the price is fixed. Larger companies might require more complex financial reporting or other options. That's why Merritt only serves small businesses. Here's how it works.


IBNTech bookkeeping service offers many benefits for small to medium-sized business. With a team of 11+ experienced bookkeepers, IBNTech can reduce overhead costs by more than 40%. Their bookkeeping software lets you manage your business finances. It allows you make quick decisions and can shift your focus away from the tedious task associated with maintaining complex financial records. IBNTech not only offers bookkeeping services but also provides accounting services such tax preparation, payroll, and many more.

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IBN TECH is based out of California and employs more that 1,600 people. It offers virtual CFO services and virtual accounting solutions. Their mission is to help small and mid-sized businesses avoid financial stumbling blocks and gain more clarity over their financial books. It's easy to overlook critical details and cause financial difficulties. IBNTech bookkeeping services


Bench's pricing structure is flexible. You can either choose a monthly price or a minimum amount. Although they charge hourly, you can also specify a maximum number and customize your invoice. Bench charges are based on how much time is spent on your bookkeeping. You can view your invoices to determine which ones are the cheapest, and then select the one that suits your needs and budget. Bench's pricing structure doesn't work well for fast-growing companies, but smaller businesses may find it worth the extra cost.

Bench bookkeeping services can be used for your taxes as well. They also offer catch up bookkeeping services. You will be paired with a qualified accountant who will organize and file your tax returns using TaxFyle. For each year that you haven't filed, the service will send you a package with financial information. Bench will also help you track down the tax forms you'll need to file. You won't have to worry about bookkeeping anymore with these options.

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What are the types of bookkeeping software?

There are three main types: hybrid, computerized, and manual bookkeeping systems.

Manual bookkeeping uses pen and paper to keep track of records. This method requires attention to every detail.

Computerized bookkeeping uses software programs to manage finances. It saves time and effort.

Hybrid bookkeeping is a combination of both computerized and manual methods.

What is the difference in accounting and bookkeeping?

Accounting refers to the study of financial transactions. Bookkeeping is the documentation of such transactions.

They are both related, but different activities.

Accounting deals primarily with numbers, while bookkeeping deals primarily with people.

Bookkeepers record financial information for purposes of reporting on the financial condition of an organization.

They adjust entries in accounts receivable and accounts payable to make sure that the books balance.

Accountants analyze financial statements to determine whether they comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

If they don't, they might suggest changes to GAAP.

Accounting professionals can use the financial transactions that bookkeepers have kept to analyze them.

How long does an accountant take?

Passing the CPA examination is essential to becoming an accountant. Most people who wish to become accountants study for around 4 years before taking the exam.

After passing the test one must have worked for at minimum 3 years as an Associate before becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

What is reconciliation?

It's very important because you never know when mistakes happen. Mistakes include incorrect entries, missing entries, duplicate entries, etc.

These problems can have grave consequences, including incorrect financial statements or missed deadlines, overspending and bankruptcy.


  • BooksTime makes sure your numbers are 100% accurate (bookstime.com)
  • a little over 40% of accountants have earned a bachelor's degree. (yourfreecareertest.com)
  • Given that over 40% of people in this career field have earned a bachelor's degree, we're listing a bachelor's degree in accounting as step one so you can be competitive in the job market. (yourfreecareertest.com)
  • a little over 40% of accountants have earned a bachelor's degree. (yourfreecareertest.com)
  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects an additional 96,000 positions for accountants and auditors between 2020 and 2030, representing job growth of 7%. (onlinemasters.ohio.edu)

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How To

Accounting for Small Businesses: How to Do It

Accounting is an essential part of managing any business. Accounting involves keeping track of income, expenses, creating financial reports and paying taxes. This task also requires the use of software programs, such as Quickbooks Online. There are many ways you can go about doing your accounting for small businesses. You have to decide which method is best for you based on your specific needs. Below is a list of top methods that we recommend.

  1. You can use paper accounting. Paper accounting is a good option if you prefer simplicity. This method is very simple. You simply need to record transactions every day. A QuickBooks Online accounting program is a good option if your records need to be complete and accurate.
  2. Online accounting. Online accounting gives you the ability to easily access your accounts whenever and wherever you are. Wave Systems and Freshbooks are three of the most widely used options. These software allows you to manage your finances and generate reports. They are easy to use, have great features, and many benefits. So if you want to save time and money when it comes to accounting, you should definitely try out these programs.
  3. Use cloud accounting. Another option you have is cloud accounting. You can store your data securely on a remote server. When compared to traditional accounting systems, cloud accounting has several advantages. It doesn't require you to purchase expensive hardware or software. You have better security since all your information can be accessed remotely. It takes the worry out of backups. Fourth, it makes it easier for you to share your files with other people.
  4. Use bookkeeping software. Bookkeeping software is similar with cloud accounting. However you must purchase a computer in order to install the software. After the software has been installed, you can connect to your internet account to access them whenever you like. You can also view your balances and accounts right from your computer.
  5. Use spreadsheets. Spreadsheets allow you to enter your financial transactions manually. One example is a spreadsheet you can use to track your daily sales. A spreadsheet has the advantage of being able to modify them whenever you wish without needing a complete update.
  6. Use a cash book. A cashbook is a ledger where you write down every transaction that you perform. Cashbooks come with different sizes and shapes, depending on how many pages you have. You can choose to use separate notebooks for each months or one notebook that spans multiple years.
  7. Use a check register. Check registers are a tool that allows you to organize receipts and payment information. Once you have scanned the items, you can transfer them into your check register. To help you remember what was bought, you can make notes once you have scanned the items.
  8. Use a journal. Journals are a logbook that helps you keep track of your expenses. This is best for those who have recurring expenses like rent, insurance, and utilities.
  9. Use a diary. A diary is simply a journal that you write to yourself. It can be used to track your spending habits and plan your finances.


Benefits of Hiring a Bookkeeping Service